It's been about two and a half months since I started and I've lost 34 lbs so far. I've got 30 to go to reach my goal so I'm a little over half way there. So, here's a re-cap of everything that has happened so far. I've been able to completely quit taking my diabetes medicine for about a month now. My blood sugar levels have been rock solid. I also have been able to drastically cut back on my blood pressure meds, though not completely. Also, as you might expect, my physical energy level has dramatically increased.
As I was contemplating the weight I've lost and the changes that have come into my life, I was struck with the thought of other "weight" that I needed to lose. What would it be like to be completely free of the heavy burden of judgement, comparing, appearance management, criticism, self-righteousness, anger, contempt, pride and so on and so on...? Being angry or treating someone with contempt, no matter how small, is a heavy weight to carry. Always trying to please someone else or compare myself to someone else is like carrying an extra 50 lbs of emotional and spiritual baggage. What other heavy weights can you think of that you might be carrying? How do we go on a diet for this kind of excess "fat"?
I believe the answer lies in making a conscious decision to say "No" to indulging in such things. We do have a choice of how to respond when we are mistreated or misunderstood. We do have the power to decide how to relate to others in every situation. Our master Teacher, Jesus, will show us how to respond and how to act in relation to people that we encounter in every situation if we will just ask Him. I know it sounds simple but my experience lately has been that He is more than willing to be my teacher in every area of my life if I will invite Him to be so. He is helping me lose some of that other "weight" that is just as harmful, if not more so, than physical obesity. At least, that's the way I see it. are an inspiration. I just stumbled over my blog dashboard after a looong absence and here you are, going strong. So very proud of you. We must hang soon. :o)