For me, the weekend means temptation. It is the treasured break from the working routine of the week and has always been the time to let go a little bit and have fun. My weekends aren't always full of fun but at least it's the myth I keep telling myself. It's usually time to go out and enjoy a meal at a favorite restaurant or watch a movie and load up on popcorn and the like.
How was my new Medifast routine going to hold up on the weekend? Would I have the strength to stay on track? Well, I have to report that the specter of diet failure never materialized for me and I had no difficulty at all staying the course. And yes, I was able to go out to eat with friends and still find food choices that were within my program. I didn't miss a thing! In fact I was able to eat some of my Medifast meals that are not possible to eat during my regular weekday routine, such as soup and stews.
After nearly a week on the program I have come to the conclusion that eating 6 small meals every two to three hours is the way to go regardless of what diet you may be on. It is a way of eating that is in tune with your body's needs and not being a slave to a paradigm of just eating three times a day, hungry or not. My body is good at telling me when it's time to eat, not the other way around. The small meals keep me satisfied and constantly fueled.
So where am I after my first five full days? I have lost 9 lbs...nearly two pounds per day! I know that this type of loss will be impossible to sustain because in the beginning there is a lot of fluid weight loss along with the fat. The loss will eventually slow down to 2 - 5 pounds per week or roughly 10 - 20 pounds per month. I'll take that! The journey continues...
what an awesome start. I think you'll find it easier to continue as you start to feel better and more energetic. You are a great inspiration!