I can't remember how long its been since I was "thin". I think it was when I was in college that my weight fell into the medically acceptable normal range for my age and height. I know it wasn't long after getting married that the pounds began to accumulate. Luckily (or maybe unluckily) I married someone who knew how to cook the foods that I liked and grew up on. The one thing I really didn't count on was the shift in my metabolism that came with age. In my high school and college years I could eat indiscriminately without fear of gaining weight. In fact, when I was a high school football lineman (offensive guard) I tipped the scales at an intimidating 165 lbs. I tried to gain weight so I wouldn't get pushed around so much by those bigger defensive tackles but nothing worked. Then sometime during my freshman year of college I "ballooned" up to a whopping 185 lbs. and never looked back. My weight yo-yo'd up and down for years until the yo-yo just became yo...up and not back down.
Now in my late 50's I've had enough. I feel as though my life is slipping away. My weight has created a host of problems, not the least of which is type 2 diabetes. I lack the energy I need to do my job effectively and I just don't like being fat. I'm telling the world that I need to change my life and lose weight and that I want to be held accountable for the outcome. No more excuses or blaming it on genetics, stress, circumstances, other people or anything else. I am responsible for my situation and I'm the only one who can do anything about it. Whew! I feel lighter already!
So, right now I am at 249 lbs. I am 5'11" so that puts my BMI (Body Mass Index) at 34.7 which is in the obese category. My BMI should be under 25. My goal weight is 175 lbs. which will give me a BMI of 24.4 and put me at dead sexy. (Austin Powers look out!)
From here on out I will blog on my progress and share my thoughts and feelings, successes and setbacks with anyone who cares to read them. My hope, as previously stated in yesterday's blog, is to be an encouragement to anyone else who may find themselves in similar circumstances. As an apprentice of Jesus Christ, I know He is with me and teaching me in every area of my life and He will also be my trusted guide in this particular journey.
Above is my "Before" picture taken today. I will update my picture on a monthly basis until I reach my goal. I can't wait to share the transformation! I welcome all comments and encouragement.
We're on the journey together! Yay!
ReplyDelete(But you're already dead sexy) : )